Introduction to API Streaming
API Streaming Introduction let’s say that you want to have a look at stock market prices. You launch your app on your phone. The app uses APIs to retrieve data, in our case stock market prices, and display it on the screen. Ten seconds later, those prices have probably changed. You don’t know, but chances are at least some of them have changed. So, you’re going to hit the refresh button to reload. By reloading the page, you’re going to ask again through the same API to get the new prices. With API Streaming you would no longer have to hit the refresh button. You would receive new prices as soon as they are available, the interface would be updated in real-time with no effort required from you, and no frustration to be late on the market. Value Prop? For time-sensitive data, the way APIs work today makes them consume and waste a lot of resources without being accurate in all situations. With API Streaming, we would be able to deliver accurate and fresh data from APIs while redu...